Bouquet 'Carmen'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York โ $15.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
My sister was delighted! The bouquet is incredibly beautifully arranged. I thank your team for their work! We were very pleased.
if you ever will going to make your girlfriend a floral surprise, I promise you won't regret it) I highly reccomended this sevice to everyone who want fresh flowers delivered on time.
A bouquet of Ecuadorian red roses is the embodiment of luxury and elegance. Modern packaging gives it a stylish look, while dried flower decor adds touches of warmth and coziness. In this bouquet, ...
A bouquet of Ecuadorian red roses is the embodiment of luxury and elegance. Modern packaging gives it a stylish look, while dried flower decor adds touches of warmth and coziness. In this bouquet, each rose is like a precious gem, shining with its beauty and unique shade.
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