Bouquet '15 white roses'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in Kyiv โ $10.00
Composition Details
15 pcs
1 pcs
21 pcs
1 pcs
25 pcs
1 pcs
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
Professional work. Delivery by phone number is a great idea.
You worked quickly and accurately. Chat support was great. You are the best, thank you!
The aroma of the blooms is very pleasant and not cloying. Thank you for the beauty and joy you give.
A snow-white bouquet of 15 roses. The white color is a symbol of innocence. Such a bouquet is perfect for a girl on a first date, to express your affection or to remind her of your most tender feel...
A snow-white bouquet of 15 roses. The white color is a symbol of innocence. Such a bouquet is perfect for a girl on a first date, to express your affection or to remind her of your most tender feelings. A wedding is also a great occasion for such a gift.
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