Bouquet '25 red roses and Raffaello'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in Kyiv β $10.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
I'm happy with the quality. The arrangement is magnificent, and the flowers are very fresh! Very pleasant communication both over the phone and in person. Thanks for all!
The flower greeting was a success. The bouquet was complemented by a free postcard. Thank you for the wonderful gift!
Delivery on time, did not disappoint. Except Well done! and thanks! I have nothing more to add.
A red rose has always been considered a symbol of love, sincere feelings, and affection for one another, while a bouquet of 25 scarlet roses with the addition of delicious Raffaello candies is the ...
A red rose has always been considered a symbol of love, sincere feelings, and affection for one another, while a bouquet of 25 scarlet roses with the addition of delicious Raffaello candies is the minimal yet very significant gesture of attention. Giving such a bouquet of luxurious roses will be very appropriate as a gift for any celebration. Going on a date β then this is an excellent option for a gift, premium roses will bring a sea of positive emotions.
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