Bouquet 'Beautiful spring'
The nearest available delivery date for order is
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York – $15.00
Composition Details
7 pcs
15 pcs
3 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
10 pcs
21 pcs
4 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
12 pcs
24 pcs
5 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
The arrangement smells very nice! A wonderful combination of colors and shapes! Thank you, I recommend you to everyone.
Very beautiful arrangement. The size of the bouquet corresponds to the photo. Keep up the good work, thank you.
Thank you for the incredibly beautiful flowers with a mind-blowing aroma! Provided a discount on the first order. Thank you for such beauty!
This bouquet, made up of rare violet roses, tulips and lisianthuses in shades of pink and lilac is characterised by its tender, romantic look. It is a gorgeous gift for anyone who are into flowers
You can cancel your order free of charge before delivery and we will provide a full refund.
If you cancel after delivery has started, a 10% service charge will be deducted from the amount paid and the remaining balance will be refunded.