Bridal bouquet Daydream: Peony roses
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York – $15.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
Flawless! Everything meets the “price-quality” criterion. I recommend to buy.
Everything is perfect. We received a nice bonus for the bouquet. I will recommend you to others with great gratitude.
Mom is in love with this arrangement. It is possible to order a bouquet with an individual design. Thank you for the good mood!
Like the old romantic song, this tender bouquet will make your heart thrill with happiness, awakening the inner glow. Each flower is a joyful note, praising the beauty of eternal love. Airy and del...
Like the old romantic song, this tender bouquet will make your heart thrill with happiness, awakening the inner glow. Each flower is a joyful note, praising the beauty of eternal love. Airy and delicate, like angel’s breath, this charming bridal bouquet of peony roses will harmoniously emphasize the romantic image of the bride.
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