Bouquet 'Carnival'
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Delivery in New York – $15.00
Composition Details
10 pcs
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16 pcs
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21 pcs
16 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
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Love this store! Thank you for the wonderful mood!
Great way to buy flowers online! Gorgeous flowers.
The "Carnival" bouquet is a bright and colorful combination of pink, yellow, and red roses, complemented by the greenery of pistachio and statice. This bouquet will give the recipient a feeling of ...
The "Carnival" bouquet is a bright and colorful combination of pink, yellow, and red roses, complemented by the greenery of pistachio and statice. This bouquet will give the recipient a feeling of celebration and joy, filling the space with a delicate aroma and charm. Each flower in this bouquet has its own meaning: - pink roses symbolize tenderness and love; - yellow roses - friendship and joy; - red roses - passion and admiration; - pistachio serves as the finishing touch, giving the bouquet elegance and sophistication; - statice adds brightness and originality to the composition. The "Carnival" bouquet is suitable for any occasion - it will delight with its beauty and aroma, creating an atmosphere of fun and carefreeness. Make your choice in favor of quality and uniqueness - choose our "Carnival" bouquet!
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