Bouquet 'Chamomile field (extra)'
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Delivery in New York โ $15.00
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The "Daisy Field (Extra)" bouquet is an airy and delicate combination of white bush chrysanthemums santini and pistachios, which will give the recipient a feeling of lightness and purity. This bouq...
The "Daisy Field (Extra)" bouquet is an airy and delicate combination of white bush chrysanthemums santini and pistachios, which will give the recipient a feeling of lightness and purity. This bouquet will create an atmosphere of coziness and warmth, fill the space with a subtle fragrance and charm. White bush chrysanthemums santini symbolize sincerity and kindness. They have small but lush flowers that resemble daisies. Pistachios serve as the finishing touch, giving the bouquet sophistication and refinement. The "Daisy Field (Extra)" bouquet is suitable for any occasion - it will delight with its beauty and aroma, creating an atmosphere of tenderness and love. Make your choice in favor of quality and uniqueness - choose our "Daisy Field (Extra)" bouquet!
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