Bouquet 'Kaleidoscope'
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Delivery in New York – $15.00
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5 pcs
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4 pcs
9 pcs
1 pcs
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6 pcs
12 pcs
1 pcs
8 pcs
12 pcs
7 pcs
16 pcs
1 pcs
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The "Kaleidoscope" bouquet is a true work of art, created from luxurious Ecuadorian roses of different shades. It combines red, white, cream, and pink buds that harmoniously blend with each other, ...
The "Kaleidoscope" bouquet is a true work of art, created from luxurious Ecuadorian roses of different shades. It combines red, white, cream, and pink buds that harmoniously blend with each other, creating a unique pattern. These roses are known for their durability and rich fragrance, which will delight you for several weeks. The "Kaleidoscope" bouquet will make an excellent gift for a wedding, anniversary, or any other festive event, highlighting your individuality and good taste. Order the "Kaleidoscope" bouquet right now and give yourself and your loved ones unforgettable emotions and joy!
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