Mans Bouquet: Irises
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York โ $15.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
The flower greeting was a success. The flowers are fresh and pleasing to the eye. Thank you for your work and dedication.
You worked quickly and accurately. The flowers are fresh and carefully arranged. Thank you, good luck in your work!
These flowers are amazing! Can't be better!
It is a hard task to find a bouquet which can fit a gentlemental's character to become the best present especially if your business partner is a man and we would like to express our gratitude and r...
It is a hard task to find a bouquet which can fit a gentlemental's character to become the best present especially if your business partner is a man and we would like to express our gratitude and respect and show our hope to work together again in the future. For this goal we created the bouquet of strict but very beautiful irises with green accents of hypericum and ruscus. This composition will please the recipient and make his day!
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If you cancel after delivery has started, a 10% service charge will be deducted from the amount paid and the remaining balance will be refunded.