Bouquet 'Passion in color'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York โ $15.00
Composition Details
3 pcs
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We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
The surprise turned out to be extremely touching! The bouquet was very harmonious. Thank you for your congratulations!
Flowers are just space. This is the only team in the city that was able to fulfill our order. Thank you very much for your work.
The arrangement is simply stunning. Thank you for the wonderful mood and a sea of emotions!
The "Passion in Bloom" bouquet is the embodiment of passion and love, created from bright and lush flowers. The bouquet combines red roses, carnations, peony-like bush roses, amaryllis, brunia, hy...
The "Passion in Bloom" bouquet is the embodiment of passion and love, created from bright and lush flowers. The bouquet combines red roses, carnations, peony-like bush roses, amaryllis, brunia, hypericum, eucalyptus, and dried flowers. Each flower has its own unique shade and fragrance, which together create a unique atmosphere. The "Passion in Bloom" bouquet will make a wonderful gift for a loved one. It is suitable for any romantic occasion, be it a wedding anniversary, Valentine's Day, or just a desire to please a close person. Order the "Passion in Bloom" bouquet and give yourself or your loved ones unforgettable emotions!
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