Bouquet 'Pink Dreams: Roses, Gerberas and Alstroemerias'
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delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York – $15.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
Very cute bouquet! The flowers are fresh and fragrant, a true work of art. Thank you for the wonderful mood!
Everything was done to the highest standard. The aroma of the blooms is very pleasant and not cloying. Thank you for the wonderful service.
I've just discovered a 100% way to make my girlfriend's eyes shine like stars :) Good quality for a good price.
This combination of pink roses and gerberas with brigth details of yellow roses and white alstroemerias is associated with girlish naïve and romantic dreams which one day will definitely come true ...
This combination of pink roses and gerberas with brigth details of yellow roses and white alstroemerias is associated with girlish naïve and romantic dreams which one day will definitely come true because her heart is open for big love and you know what it means.
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