Bouquet 'Pink Kingdom'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York – $15.00
Composition Details
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I really adore this bouquet! The decor is impressive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Everything went perfectly. Flowers were fresh and carefully arranged. I express my gratitude for the responsible work.
The "Pink Kingdom" bouquet is the embodiment of luxury and elegance. It is created for those who appreciate beauty and sophistication. The bouquet consists of 51 pink roses, symbolizing love, tend...
The "Pink Kingdom" bouquet is the embodiment of luxury and elegance. It is created for those who appreciate beauty and sophistication. The bouquet consists of 51 pink roses, symbolizing love, tenderness, and admiration. A decorative crown made of high-quality materials adds refinement and charm to the bouquet. The "Pink Kingdom" bouquet will make a wonderful gift for any occasion. It is suitable for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or any other celebration. Order the "Pink Kingdom" bouquet and give yourself or your loved ones unforgettable emotions!
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