Bouquet 'Romance'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York – $15.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
The flowers turned out to be even more beautiful in real life than in the photo. The manager gave the necessary advice on caring for the bouquet. I recommend to buy.
Great way to say «I love you» when you can't do it in person. She seem to be on cloud nine with the bouquet))
Amazing flowers, that was the best buy ever! Very good experience and affordable price.
The "Romance" bouquet is the embodiment of tenderness and romance, created from exquisite spray roses, fragrant carnations, elegant eustomas, and delicate pistachios. This bouquet will make the pe...
The "Romance" bouquet is the embodiment of tenderness and romance, created from exquisite spray roses, fragrant carnations, elegant eustomas, and delicate pistachios. This bouquet will make the perfect gift for a loved one, friend, or relative. It will bring a feeling of happiness and joy, highlighting your sincere feelings and wishes. Spray roses symbolize love and passion, carnations - tenderness and admiration, eustomas - nobility and respect, and pistachios add sophistication and freshness to the bouquet. The "Romance" bouquet is suitable for any occasion - it will delight with its beauty and fragrance, creating an atmosphere of coziness and warmth. Make your choice in favor of quality and uniqueness - choose our "Romance" bouquet!
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