Bouquet 'Spring melody: Pink roses and Carnations'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York โ $15.00
Composition Details
4 pcs
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6 pcs
13 pcs
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7 pcs
16 pcs
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1 pcs
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
My beloved is happy. The order was very easy to place. Thank you very much for your efficiency and responsiveness.
Sooo much joy and delight! A wide range of. Thank you very much for the bouquet!
Everything is fine. The smell of the blooms is pleasant and unobtrusive. Thank you and good luck!
This delightfully gentle bouquet shimmers like a gentle spring melody, filling your heart with joyful anticipation. Charming buds of pink roses and crimson carnations are sure to give a romantic sp...
This delightfully gentle bouquet shimmers like a gentle spring melody, filling your heart with joyful anticipation. Charming buds of pink roses and crimson carnations are sure to give a romantic spring mood, pleasant emotions and amazing discoveries.
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