Bouquet 'Summer Dream'
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Delivery in New York โ $15.00
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The bouquet "Summer Dream" is a delicate and exquisite combination of peony-like Kahala roses, lisianthus, white roses, carnations, and Cineraria eucalyptus, which will give the recipient a feeling...
The bouquet "Summer Dream" is a delicate and exquisite combination of peony-like Kahala roses, lisianthus, white roses, carnations, and Cineraria eucalyptus, which will give the recipient a feeling of lightness and freshness. The "Summer Dream" bouquet is made from the freshest flowers, which have been carefully selected by our professional florists. Peony-like Kahala roses symbolize luxury and sophistication, lisianthus represent tenderness and elegance, white roses stand for purity and innocence, carnations for love and devotion, and Cineraria eucalyptus adds freshness and elegance to the bouquet. This bouquet will make a wonderful gift for any holiday or event. It is suitable for any interior and will bring a feeling of summer and warmth. Don't miss the opportunity to delight your loved ones! Give them the "Summer Dream" bouquet and give yourself the pleasure of their sincere joy!
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