Bouquet 'Mystery: 15 Purple roses'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York โ $15.00
Composition Details
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
A real surprise for my friend. Careful and friendly delivery. Thank you for the wonderful mood!
Exellent! Will buy a bigger flower bouquet next time)) Great customer service, always punctual and polite.
Great service, I will buy flowers from you again! This was my first order and it will not be my last!
Hypnotizing purple roses seem to keep a secret in their velvety petals. Delicate frame of fresh eucalyptus leaves adds a touch of elegance to the arrangement. A bouquet of 15 purple roses is a perf...
Hypnotizing purple roses seem to keep a secret in their velvety petals. Delicate frame of fresh eucalyptus leaves adds a touch of elegance to the arrangement. A bouquet of 15 purple roses is a perfect way to make special moments unforgettable.
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