Bouquet 'White Angel'
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in Kyiv โ $10.00
Composition Details
19 pcs
1 pcs
25 pcs
1 pcs
31 pcs
1 pcs
We will replace it with a new one at no extra cost.
I ordered here for the first time and was not disappointed! I received a photo report after delivery. Thanks for the detailed advice.
Thank you for the incredibly beautiful flowers with a mind-blowing aroma! It is very convenient to track your order online. Thank you very much! Success and prosperity.
A bouquet of white roses will leave no girl indifferent. This bouquet has so much tenderness, romance, and love that no extra words are needed. Just give these flowers to your beloved. With such a...
A bouquet of white roses will leave no girl indifferent. This bouquet has so much tenderness, romance, and love that no extra words are needed. Just give these flowers to your beloved. With such a bouquet, you can attend any celebration, such as a Birthday, Wedding, or Name Day. These flowers will be appreciated by both little girls and our mothers and grandmothers. After all, the white color symbolizes purity, innocence, and if you happen to have made a little mistake, you can present this bouquet with the words "let's start everything from a clean slate."
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