Pink Bouquet: Gerberas and Spray Roses
The nearest available delivery date for order is today
delivery time: during the day.
Delivery in New York โ $15.00
Composition Details
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I'm sending flowers to my mom's birthday every year, always pleased with the result. Great customer service, always punctual and polite.
A stunning bouquet delivered to my sister at her birthday. She loved it and the flowers lasted well. Things went pretty smoothly.
This pink sweet composition of gerberas, spray roses looks like a box of candies! This bouquet can perfectly fit a young artistic and very romantic girl who is full of dreams! Pink flowers can be a...
This pink sweet composition of gerberas, spray roses looks like a box of candies! This bouquet can perfectly fit a young artistic and very romantic girl who is full of dreams! Pink flowers can be a good present for your small sister who belives in fairies and every day miracles.
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